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This book was released by O Books in August 2018. It covers a whole range of topics including psychology, history, philosophy, mysticism, contemporary spirituality and natural science. It is the culmination of ten years of talks and papers. The book's argument central is that science and spirituality are complementary and harmonious pursuits, and that their relationship can be described via seven dialectics.


For more information about it, click here


I wrote this textbook originally in 2013, aimed principally at university students. It covers a range of topics that pertain to developments, transitions and changes that occur over the course of adulthood. The expanded second edition came out in April 2020.


For more information about it, click here

Books I have edited

Co-edited by David Lorimer


Published by Floris Books


The essays gathered in A New Renaissance are a cultural response to the failings of the materialist worldview. Contributions in the first part diagnose the sources of the crisis in today’s world. The second section searches for a new understanding of consciousness and mind, based on findings in recent non-materialist philosophy. The third section looks to a renewal of spirituality beyond religion, aiming to recapture the personal depth and connection to the cosmos that materialism denies or ignores. The fourth section examines possible reforms in politics, economics and education to help bring forth a society that can sustain the flourishing of human beings in the globally interconnected world of the twenty-first century.


Link to Amazon

Book chapters

Robinson, O.C. (2016). Emerging adulthood, early adulthood and quarter-life

crisis: Updating Erikson for the twenty-first century. In. R. Žukauskiene (Ed.) Emerging adulthood in a European context (pp.17-30). New York: Routledge.


View chapter on my page














Robinson, O.C. & Zukauskiene, R. (2017). Flourishing in European emerging adults:

The challenges of positive development in a continent of inequality. In L.M.Padilla-Walker & L.Nelson (Eds). Flourishing in Emerging Adulthood: Positive development during the third decade of life, pp.431-444. NY: Oxford University Press.







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